In the baseball movie Field of Dreams, an Iowa farmer hears a voice telling him to build a baseball field in his backyard. After he does, Shoeless Joe Jackson and other deceased baseball stars come back to life to play the game again. If you’ve ever wanted to play on the Field of Dreams, it’s one of the stops on upper Mississippi cruises!

Players Walk Out of the Corn

This is somewhat of a seasonal destination because of the corn. The corn is as much a character in the movie as the baseball field and the players. It’s also an important element in the real real. It’s very cool watching the players come out of the corn. (Spoiler alert) It’s been a few years since we were there last, but the players we met were actual players from the movie. Most were school teachers or local business people. The movie was so popular in Japan it actually found the players doing exhibition games in Japan.

Lessons From the Field of Dreams

“The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It’s been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game — it’s a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good, and it could be again”.

The Field of Dreams can be a great companion to a coaching program. Lots of lessons to be learned here. Trusting yourself even if it doesn’t make sense, healing your past, take your pick.

Cruising Options

While there are several options for cruises that include the Field of Dreams, they are much smaller boats with less amenities. Organizing individual activities on board may or may not be more challenging. We were on the American Queen several years ago and the kids on board were using the theater to watch movies because the space wasn’t being used much otherwise. If you have a group, these are great spaces for 50-100 people to do activities and presentations.